Women Political Partipation

Our initiative has been geared towards encouraging women to actively participate in leadership, in specific having women vie for legislative and governance positions through the electoral process.Through mentoring and training of women to gain better understanding of the political landscape in which they operate. Ensuring that women have confident in their ability to lead and promoting two third gender rule as stipulated in our constitution. Secondly, preparing constituents (voters) to receive women and view them as competent to represent their interests in legislative positions.

Peace Bulding

Advance women and youth leadership and participation in conflict prevention and peace building. Also ensure increased representation of women and youth at all decision making levels in national,regional and international institutions and mechanisms for the prevention, management and resolution of conflict and this is because women peace builders bring on different perspectives and priorities to men in the peace building process and their role in re-establishing the social fabric in the aftermath of conflict is vital. Build partnerships and community-wide engagement in order to achieve lasting peace, security and equality for all. Make women's voices heard at the highest levels of the government and with development partners. Provide a platform where women's experiences, challenges, contributions and efforts to promote peace and security can be highlighted

Gender Based Violence
Violence leaves survivors with long term psychological and physical trauma during conflicts or domestic violence and women and girls are the main targets. Women and men have to join efforts to bring an end to these pervasive and deadly, acts of violence.WIDAG equip professional working on GBV thematic area and women leaders on emergency response and preparedness during conflicts. In the process establishing referral pathways in GBV case management.

Participatory Action Research

WIDAG has also adopted the PAR approach which involves researchers and participants working together to understand a problematic situation and change it for the better.PAR focuses on social change that promotes democracy and challenges inequality; is context-specific, often targeted on the needs of a particular group; is an iterative cycle of research, action and reflection; and often seeks to ‘liberate’ participants to have a greater awareness of their situation in order to take action.

How the above Thematic Areas Works


WIDAG uses innovative approaches such as the arts (theater, poetry, dance, and storytelling) and media to advocate for women human rights at the grassroots level.

Capacity Building

WIDAG strengthens the leadership capacity of grassroots women and other key stakeholders build capacities on women's rights issues guided by African feminist’s values and principles.

Information And Knowledge Management

WIDAG supports women to contribute to the body of knowledge on women rights, gender and development at the grassroots levels, enhance their capacities to access relevant information and data to inform their work